The largest lake in the world

The lake

Defines the lake in the language as it is mentioned in the dictionary that it is: (a vast water community surrounded by land from all sides), and collected by lakes and lakes,  and this definition is consistent with the definition of the lake scientifically, because the lake is a spot of land where water collects It is surrounded by land from all sides, and the lakes are fresh or salty, if the lake is open; That is, its waters end up in a river and it is fresh, but if it is closed and its life cycle related to evaporation only, it is a salty lake.

Lakes are distributed all over the world; Where lakes are found in every continent of the globe of different environments and diversity, lakes are found in desert, mountainous, coastal areas and even near the shores of the sea,  and the continents of North America, Asia and Africa contain 70% of the world's lakes, so the number of lakes in America Northern and Alaska region to nearly three million lakes.

Lakes differ from each other in size, depth, height, or decrease from sea level, while the sources of lake water are rain, snow, melting ice, in addition to groundwater leaks from the ground.  The importance of the lakes lies in tempering the climate in the areas that surround them. And most of them are characterized by an abundance of mineral salts and fish, as lake water is used to generate electricity, fresh lakes are a store of fresh water, and lakes preserve river water from loss in large seas, and lakes constitute a point of contact between the countries that overlook and surround it.

The largest lake in the world

The largest lake in the world is Caspian Lake, and it is called a sea or lake, so Caspian Lake was named by this name in relation to the Iranian city of Caspian,, but the reason for its name is the Caspian Sea due to the nature of its salty waters, and Caspian Lake is one of the seven seas that connected Continents of the ancient world together. They are Asia, Africa, and Europe, and Lake Caspian separates the continent of Asia from Europe.  The Caspian Lake is the second largest oil-rich body of water, with an area of ​​about 370,000 km2. The Caspian Lake shores share five countries in certain proportions. These proportions differ for several political and economic reasons related to its wealth. And their exploitation,  and these countries are: Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan in the east, Azerbaijan in the west, Russia in the north, and Iran in the south

As for the depth of the lake, it starts from ten meters on the northern Russian coast, and increases from 180 meters to 788 meters in the center, while in the south near the Iranian coast, the depth reaches 960 meters, while its maximum depth is recorded in its south, which is 1023 meters. Caspian Lake is a large fish wealth that includes specific types of fish such as caviar, which is extracted from its eggs, a valuable and valuable caviar, and there are about 78 species of fish in the lake.

The rivers that flow into the Caspian lake are numerous. One of the most important and greatest is the Volga, from which most of the lake’s water comes from, and its source is Russia. There is the Terek River coming from Russia as well. The Ural River is from Kazakhstan, and it flows into the lake as well.