How was the first life on the planet formed?

A recent study by an international team from the Space Research Association at Imperial College in London and the universities of Edinburgh and Glasgow in Scotland, has come up with results described as impressive about the formation of the first life on Earth.

And according to what was published by the British "Daily Mail", the study was conducted in the Chicolope volcanic crater buried under the soil in Mexico, and considered that the effects of the fall of a huge asteroid the size of a city may decipher the mystery of man and scientists since the beginning of time.

The team concluded that the impact of the rock or asteroid from space and the effects of collision, produced a network of warm waterways under the crater, located on the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico.

The researchers monitored samples of rocks beneath the crater left behind by the asteroid as it collided with Earth, showing the warm waterways that produced the first life.

The researchers pointed out that the hydrothermal network under the nozzle of Chixolube lasted for more than a million years, and increased the production of chemicals and proteins that formed living cells.

Scientists have seen a link between the emergence of these first living cells with warm water or fluids that have formed and contain essential nutrients and self-reproducing parts of DNA called RNA molecules, which in turn turn into the genetic code of life.

As indicated by the lead creator of the investigation, Dr. David Carring, this process could give the key to finding life on Mars or other planets in space outside our solar system.