Fox News: George Floyd was infected by Corona

"Fox News" channel revealed that the corpse of George Floyd, who was killed under the knee of an American officer named Derek Schofen, showed that he was infected with corona virus.
A test on George Floyd revealed that he was positive for the new Corona virus in a test taken after his death, according to a new autopsy report for the province of Hennepin, released earlier today.

However, the report states that Floyd was infected without symptoms, and his lungs showed no damage, free of malignant tumors or pneumonia. Chief pathologist Dr. Andrew Baker said that the type of autopsy test, called PCR, could show a positive result "for weeks after the onset and treatment of a clinical disease."

As a result, Baker said, "the result of the autopsy likely reflects the positive without symptoms but the continuity of the sample from the previous infection" - which means that the virus has not played any known role in Floyd's death, and that it is unlikely to be contagious.

Before this result was released, the report was the subject of controversy, stating that Floyd had died as a result of a set of major health conditions, and it was said that there was no physical evidence that he had died of asphyxiation.

The report also referred to a note of a drug use case, including fentanyl and methamphetamine, which were indicated as toxic substances in the original complaint, which could have caused his death. However, some medications can remain in the bloodstream for a period of time after use, and the report mentioned the need for a second test to confirm the presence of amphetamines and other medications.

A second independent autopsy at the request of Floyd’s family and his lawyer indicated otherwise that Floyd’s death was caused by asphyxia due to pressure on the neck and back which resulted in a lack of blood flow to the brain.

After the second report, Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison filed charges against Schofen for a second-degree murder and filed charges against three other officers present at the time of the accident.