Chinese apps war .. White House expects Trump action

And new firewood poured out recently over the fire of the ongoing chaotic war between China and America for months, which started with commercial disputes, and then the Corona pandemic, through Chinese hacker attacks on some research centers related to the mosque, leading to the prevention or reduction of flights by the American administration, and militancy. In granting visas to Chinese students, and the Hong Kong-Taiwan file, which aggravated the dispute between the two powers, to increase their borrowing, this time came in the form of an "application war."

On Monday, Peter Navarro, the White House’s commercial advisor, announced that he expected strong US President Donald Trump’s actions against Chinese “Tuk Tok” and “Wei Chat” applications that he claimed were sending all data to servers in China, directly to the Chinese military and the party The Chinese Communist and the official agencies that want to steal our intellectual property, "during a press interview with Fox News.
Pompeo and Amazon are on the line of crisis
This is not the first hint. Last week, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo indicated that the Trump administration was considering banning some Chinese applications, which he described as a threat to national security.

In turn, the company Amazon ordered, Friday, by e-mail, its employees to remove the application "Tik Tok" from their phones, as announced by the giant American group working in the field of e-commerce, but it later returned and justified that it sent the message "by mistake."

Here is the problem!
On the other hand, Navarro commented on the move, saying: "They announced this and retracted it, which shows the influence of the Chinese Communist Party on American companies, and here lies the problem."

Last year, a foreign investment committee in the United States, a federal committee that reviews foreign acquisitions of US companies for national security reasons, inaugurated a national security review of ByteDance's acquisition of the American company, which eventually became (tit-tuk).

The tension continues
It is noteworthy that the application "Tik Tok" is very popular with teenagers because of the videos presented to it, and its ownership belongs to the Chinese "Beat Dance" group and the number of its users is close to one billion around the world.

As for WeiChat, it is the first correspondence program in China and is used by more than one billion people, and Trump previously confirmed that he was studying the possibility of preventing "Tik Tok" due to suspicions of spying on this network for the Chinese government.

In addition, the world is still puzzled, waiting for a way to end these differences between the country of fifty states and the country of the billion who have been stuck for months.