How to get a song out your head?

We often experience a situation when a song that we had heard before was stuck in our minds, and we couldn't get it out of our mind so easily! Such common situations we are constantly exposed to and we may not know how to get rid of, especially if this music caused our minds to distract or control them.

How to get a song out your head?

Chewing gum!

This phenomenon is called "earworm", and its name suggests the great discomfort and feeling of its owner. Several studies have been based on this topic to find ways to get rid of the "earworm" phenomenon. Some studies have found that one of the most effective ways to treat the phenomenon is by chewing gum.

Although the reasons are not entirely clear how to treat the phenomenon by chewing gum, it seems that it has something to do with the auditory cortex in the brain that processes sound. The same study also called for solving some puzzles and solving mathematical problems while chewing gum to get rid of suspended songs. The important thing is to keep your mind engaged in some activity while chewing gum to clear the involuntary musical memory.

Listen to the song again!

Another way that can help you is to get involved in a mental task during or after listening to the song, so that your brain becomes less susceptible to the problem of lingering songs. The point is to enjoy the refined music again and focus on it, and after the clip finishes, it immediately merges into mental activity such as solving crossword puzzles or playing Sudoku game or other games focused on mental activity, so as to prevent your mind from straying. This way you ensure that your musical memory does not store any music and fill the cognitive space in your mind instead of straying into the song.